By default vagrant mounts the host folder to /vagrant directory of the Virtual machine where you have the vagrantfile. This allows us to share files and codebase to the virtual machine without dealing with file transfer utilities or SCP command.

But you might face error sometimes that it does not mount the host directory to the vagrant folder. This happens mostly due to os update. To resolve this follow the steps given below.

Solution 1

Step 1: Shh into the vagrant box.

vagrant ssh

step 2: execute the following command.

sudo ln -s /opt/VBoxGuestAdditions-4.3.10/lib/VBoxGuestAdditions /usr/lib/VBoxGuestAdditions

Step 3: Exit from VM


Step 3: Reload the configuration using the following command.

vagrant reload

That’s it! Now the vagrant folder will be mounted to the host folder.

Solution 2

If the problem is not solved using slotion1, you should try the steps given below.

Step1: execute the following command.

cd /opt/VBoxGuestAdditions-*/init 

Step 2: Setup VBoxGuestAdditions

sudo ./vboxadd setup

Step 3: Exit VM


Step 4: Reload VM

vagrant reload

Now ssh into the VM and try accessing /vagrant.

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