How to Install AWS CLI? Step by Step Configuration Guide
- Last Updated On: June 22, 2022
- By: Scriptcrunch Editorial
In this step-by-step guide, you will learn how to install AWS CLI and configure the CLI to connect to AWS and execute the CLI commands.
AWS CLI supports the following platforms.
- Linux
- WIndows.
We have added the commands to install AWS CLI on all three platforms in the way.
Install AWS CLI on Linux
If you are using Linux based system, you just need the execute the following commands.
Note: Ensure you have unzip utility installed on your Linux system
curl "" -o ""
sudo ./aws/install
To validate the CLI installation, execute the CLI version command.
aws --version
To know the location of the binary, execute the following command. Usually it would be /usr/local/bin/aws
which aws
Install AWS CLI on MAC
AWS MAC CLI installation is very easy. You just need to install it using brew
If you don’t have homebrew, install it using the following command.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Then install the aws cli.
brew install awscli
Install AWS CLI on Windows
For windows download the aws cli MSI file and install it.
You can download the MSI file from here
Configure AWS CLI
Before starting the configuration, you should have the AWS access key and secret key for your user. If you dont have these details, you can create one from the IAM console under your user name.
Go to “My Security Credentials” Under your Account Name in AWS Console.
Run the configure command.
aws configure
It will ask for the AWS access key, secret key, region, and default output format. provide the details you prefer.
For example,
vagrant@lab:~$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID : [****************7PFK]
AWS Secret Access Key : [****************tEuh]
Default region name : us-west-2
Default output format : JSON
AWS CLI Config File Location
When you run the aws configure
command, a config file and credential file gets creates in the $HOME/.aws
The config file will have details except the access key and secret key.
The credentials file will have the access key and secret key.
When you execute an AWS CLI command, the CLI uses the config and credential file to authenticate against AWS API. You can change the values of these files with new values anytime you change the credentials or default region.
Verify AWS CLI Authentication
You can verify the AWS CLI authentication by executing any command that interacts with AWS API.
For example, we will list instances using the AWS CLI command.
aws ec2 describe-instances
Now let’s create an instance using the CLI. Replace the values with values that match your AWS account.
aws ec2 run-instances \
--image-id ami-0d70546e43a941d70 \
--count 1 \
--instance-type t2.micro \
--key-name bibin-server \
--security-group-ids sg-00cf38e1e1799e52a \
--subnet-id subnet-042384c724edd40c0 \
--tag-specifications 'ResourceType=instance,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=cli-server}]' 'ResourceType=volume,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=cli-server-disk}]'
What is AWS CLI used for?
AWS CLI is used to manage AWS resources using the CLI utility. With AWS CLI you can authenticate to AWS services and manage them using the CLI commands. AWS CLI is written in python and it can be installed on Linux, MAC, and Windows systems.
Where is AWS CLI installed?
When you install AWS CLI, it gets installed as per the operating systems. In Linux & MAC systems, it gets installed in /usr/local/bin/aws
. For windows based systems, it gets installed in C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLI (64-bit version)
or C:\Program Files (x86)\Amazon\AWSCLI
What is the difference between AWS CLI and console?
With AWS CLI, you can have terminal-only access to AWS services. Meaning you have to use commands to list and manage AWS services. With AWS console, you can manage AWS resources from a web UI.
In this blog, we learned the easy ways to install AWS CLI utility and configure it to authenticate to an AWS account.
Next, we will see how to use the AWS CLI setup to create AWS resources.
Scriptcrunch Editorial
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